Category: Computer Science

  • Interdisciplinary Opportunities in Computer Science

    Interdisciplinary Opportunities in Computer Science

    Introduction Computer science is applied widely across disciplines, providing essential tools for data analysis, decision-making, and predictive modeling. Through this post, I hope to expose you all to the wide applications of computer science. If you’re interested in other fields, you can still apply your computer science knowledge to them. Healthcare In the healthcare field,…

  • Careers in Computer Science

    Careers in Computer Science

    You may be interested in computer science, but curious as to what careers you can pursue with this degree. Today, I will be covering some of the careers in computer science. Computer science is a diverse field with a multitude of jobs, and hopefully, you will discover that one of these aligns with your interests.…

  • Introduction to Computer Science

    Introduction to Computer Science

    Computers are all around us and used in almost everything we do nowadays. I’ve talked a lot about data science specifically, but it’s time to take a step back and talk about computer science. This post is for those of you who are interested in computer science but not really yet sure what the term…

  • Real-Time Systems Lab Group

    Real-Time Systems Lab Group

    This summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the University of Houston’s Real-Time Systems Lab Group. This opportunity came about because I took the initiative to email professors at the University of Houston who were conducting research in areas I was interested in. I am extremely grateful to have been chosen by Professor Cheng…

  • Exploring Computer Science with a UH Professor

    Exploring Computer Science with a UH Professor

    Hello everyone! I recently had the wonderful opportunity to shadow Dr. Arturo Perez from the University of Houston at Clear Lake in his classes Intro to IT and Forensic Fundamentals. I’m excited to share what I learned with you today! A little background about Professor Perez. Dr. Arturo Perez is a lecturer in the College…

  • Girl Scout Journey

    Girl Scout Journey

    I haven’t shared this with you all before, but I’m a member of the Girl Scouts! I’m currently an Ambassador, and I’m planning on completing my Gold Award, hopefully in the summer.I completed my Think Like a Programmer journey, and I wanted to share my Take Action project with you all. I identified the problem…

  • First Machine Learning Project: Part Two!

    First Machine Learning Project: Part Two!

    Hello everyone! This post will be a continuation of the last post, as I will now be analyzing the code that I wrote while following the YouTube video (which is linked below again). If you would like to see the entire code without it broken up into segments, it will be at the end of…

  • First Machine Learning Project

    First Machine Learning Project

    I recently began exploring ways to start creating machine learning projects, and found a great introductory video (linked below)! Although this post may not be very in-depth and I won’t be able to explain the syntax of the code, I hope that this is a good introduction to the process of creating a machine learning…

  • Robotics Competition

    Robotics Competition

    In today’s post, I will talk about my most recent robotics competition with my team. I hope to motivate some girls to give robotics a try because, although it was nerve-wracking, it was ultimately rewarding. Background In our high school, Robotics is offered as an after-school club. The club comprises students from 9th through 12th…

  • Empowering Young Girls in STEM at a Local Houston Event

    Empowering Young Girls in STEM at a Local Houston Event

    I recently had the opportunity to participate in a STEM showcase held by a middle school in the Houston area. This experience allowed me to reach out and connect with individuals and increased my awareness about the lack of understanding of Computer Science and Data Science in my community. Introduction I first learned about a…